Happy Birthday Cat Memes
Having a crappy day? Time to get high on cat memes, for there is rarely anything more intriguing than crabby cats celebrating their birthday and wishing you yours.
1)Happy Birthday. Where’s cake?

2)Happy Birthday! Congratulations, you get to rub my belly today.

3)Happy Birthday? Do tell why you’re so happy about being more prone to cellulite and wrinkles?

4)Happy Birthday to me! Now sing me Smelly Cat, human.

5) I’d wish you a happy birthday, but I’m not really happy.

6) happy Birthday, human. There’s fish on the menu.

7) It’s your birthday, so I’m gonna try harder to pretend that I can stand you.

8)Happy Birthday, you crazy cat lady.

9) I thought I asked you to get red velvet cake.

10) It’s my birthday. Now leave me alone.

If you’ve had a good laugh with these cake-obsessed, super cynical cats on birthdays, share with other cat owners and make their day too!